Peter Jenkinson and Valerie Vacante launch TechUp

TechUp will provide experiences that showcase the leading brands which are creating the future of play.

Designed by connected play experts Peter Jenkinson, Toyologist and founder of Toyology, and Valerie Vacante, connected play innovator and founder of strategy and innovation firm Collabsco, TechUp puts the latest innovative products into people’s hands so they can explore the world of cool tech and connected play.

Launching this week at the Wired Live and Wired Next Generation events on London’s South Bank, the new venture provides opportunities for more people to experience connected play at some of the most innovative technology events across the globe. Plans are underway to showcase at global events including CES, SXSW and beyond.

TechUp’s launch event will feature head-to-head live-action laser battles bringing real time video game action to life with Nerf Laser Ops Pro (Hasbro), alongside Beasts of Balance (Sensible Object), MekaMon (Reach Robotics), Sensors Alive (Thames and Kosmos), Money Monsters (Santander/Thought Machine) and more.

With so many events to attend, and limited budgets to attend them, being part of TechUp allows connected play brands to pay less for more. The TechUp launch event will save brands over 80% in attendance.

Through its network, TechUp is able to secure affordable rates across more relevant industry events globally – connecting with consumers and influencers to explore and experience an ever-growing number of products.

Co-founder Valerie Vacante commented: “We saw a consistent challenge in the industry; there is an education process with new technologies, and getting the product in people’s hands is key to gaining product insights and valuable consumer feedback.”

She added: “For startups, challenger brands and established global brands it can be difficult to prioritise which events to participate in and attend, while remaining focused on product development priorities. With TechUp, there are affordable ways to have a presence, gain media coverage and direct consumer feedback.”

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As seen in ToyWorld News November 1, 2018:

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