Collabsco documents all the companies jostling in the connected play industry By John Glenday Featured on The Drum

Texas-based strategy and innovation collective Collabsco have launched their Connected Play Landscape, a unified view of 100 separate technologies, experiences and companies competing for the affection of children.

Incorporating physical and digital participants the 360-degree viewpoint includes fields as diverse as the internet of things, AR and social, drawing together all aspects of the connected play landscape that affects how children play, learn and explore.

Collabsco founder Valerie Vacante, commented: “The connected play industry is complex and ever evolving; our goal is to provide a useful, single view of the companies and technologies impacting how kids play, learn and explore the physical and digital world. We wanted to provide a consolidated view of the Connected Play Landscape to create an awareness of the companies and collaborators breaking barriers through the power of technology and connected play.”

By compiling its visual summary Collabsco aims to reveal fresh opportunities for innovation, foster new industry collaborations and reshape the future of play.

Analysis undertaken by Juniper Research suggests that the connected play sector could grow by 200% over the next five years with smart toys representing a combined hardware and software market of $18bn by 2023.

The smart toy sector in particular has exploded in recent years, raising concern over mounting security risks.

This article is about: World, Connected Devices, Marketing

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